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Bulk Import of Parts and "Bulk Part" process
Bulk Import of Parts and "Bulk Part" process

How do I use the Bulk Part in the proposal area?

DeWayne Gibson avatar
Written by DeWayne Gibson
Updated over a week ago

There is a little-known feature in the parts area called "Bulk-Import" parts. This feature allows for a salesperson to have a shorter list of parts at their disposal to quickly add to a list to add to the cost.

In the past, it was incumbent on the admin of the account to individually check off the parts that were to be added to this list. Now, we are excited to let you know that you can send us this list of parts and we can add them to this list.

There is an additional field in the parts download that will assist you with this. Just take the list from the admin under "Reports" and then choose "Export Parts". Once here you will have your list of parts. The column "J" is where you will determine if this list appears for a salesperson to add to the proposal with the ability to add across all four options. See the images below to understand how this added information can help a salesperson in the field.



Once you have downloaded these parts and modified them to your liking, simply load them in the form HERE and we will get them uploaded.

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